Siena College Breyo Observatory

In 2019 the Dudley Observatory relocated to Siena College. In 2022, Dudley formalized its partnership and will now keep Dudley’s operations at Siena College where we will formally be known as Dudley at Siena.
This partnership allows Siena College to make its Breyo Observatory, featuring the Capital Region’s largest telescope, available for Dudley and allows both institutions to work together to expand public programs. The Breyo Observatory, with its viewing platform atop Roger Bacon Hall also has permanent mounts for five smaller telescopes, including a 14-inch telescope contributed by Dudley.
Dudley at Siena will continue to deliver astronomy education programs for area K-12 schools and host star parties, public lectures, camps and workshops for the public and will work with Siena College to help expand its existing outreach.
“Astronomy was humanity’s first science, from when shepherds centuries ago used the stars to gauge time,” said John Cummings, Ph.D., dean of Siena’s School of Science and professor of physics. “Since then, astronomy has been a ‘gateway science’ for many people, and we look forward to welcoming the public to the Siena campus to enjoy the excellent programming developed by Dudley.”
If you have ever been curious about how the universe works, then physics may be for you. Maybe you are drawn to astrophysics, particle physics, data science, or computational physics. Or maybe physics is your pathway to engineering. Or maybe you want to teach physics.
Regardless of your end goal, studying physics will strengthen your problem-solving, quantitative, and computational skills. You will explore concepts ranging from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmological scales, and you will be well-prepared to enter the technical workforce or pursue an advanced degree in science or engineering.

Physics and astronomy students have dedicated access to the Breyo Observatory, a state-of-the-art 0.7-meter optical telescope (the largest in the Capital Region and the fourth-largest in New York State!) right on the roof of the science building.
Equipped with modern instrumentation, students can undertake cutting-edge research projects of their own design, setting them apart for technical jobs that make use of advanced equipment and instrumentation, or for graduate school in physics, astronomy, engineering, and other allied fields.